Annapurna Base Camp Trek


Trip dates: October 14-27, 2024
Cost: $2,300 
10 Spots available for Military, Veterans and First Responders

This trek is specifically for Military Veterans and First Responders looking to go on the adventure of a lifetime while spending time working on your own recovery and resilience. The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is wonderful trekking through diverse landscape, culture, complete mountain vistas, alpine fields, quaint Gurung villages and a wide variety of flora and fauna. This trek combines the visits to Natural Pokhara and high-altitude trekking in the famous Annapurna Region. The trek to Annapurna Base Camp exceeds the excitement and adventure involved in any other treks in Nepal. 
Attracting almost 75,000 trekkers a year, Annapurna Base Camp Trekking is a unique experience for adventurers, beginners, and experts alike. Annapurna Base Camp (4,140m/13,582ft) is a small campsite surrounded by mighty mountains from all sides - Machapuchhare (6,993m/22,943ft), Annapurna I (8091m/26,505ft), and Hiunchuli (6,441m/21,131ft). 
Your adventure will be amongst a team of Military Veterans and First Responders where we will have a daily focus on yoga and mind-body practices that enable post-traumatic growth and healing. This trek is a perfect combination of adventure, healing and camaraderie that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp is one of the most scenic trekking areas in the Annapurna Region. It is also known as Annapurna Sanctuary Trek. A major highlight on this trek is is our hike to Poon Hill for the sunrise panorama view of the Central Himalayas of Nepal. We'll have cultural experiences in local villages such as, Ghorepani, Chhomrong, Hot springs in Jhinu Danda and walking through rhododendron forested hills. Annapurna Base Camp Nepal offers 360 Degree views of all the Annapurna Himalayas, which is incredible.
The vital point of this trek is the healing power you'll feel by connecting with fellow Military Veterans and First Responders and going through this journey together. You'll leave with more knowledge on self-care, mental health, stress and resiliency skills tailored for your needs. We'll explore various healing techniques such as yoga and mobility practices, mindfulness, meditation and resources to continue your mind-body journey once your adventure in Nepal is complete.

Basic Health and Experience Requirements:
Technical experience is not required, hiking experience is recommended, but the most essential thing is your physical strength and mental determination. Cardio exercise, such as jogging, is recommended prior to the trip. In addition to physical fitness, you need to be in excellent health to complete this trek. If you have pre-existing medical conditions such as heart, lung, and blood diseases please let us know before booking the trip. We are highly conscious of your health and safety and also recommend you to have a medical check-up with your doctor as well before joining this adventure.

Your Guides:
Advanced Adventures provides your trail Guide and Sherpa, and your Trek Leader is Sarah, the founder of Blue Side Yoga.

Detailed Itinerary & Blue Side Yoga (BSY) daily highlights:

Day 01
Arrival Day in Kathmandu Altitude: 1350m/4,428ft Activities: Trek Preparation; BSY: Group Introductions
Meal Plan: Breakfast

Welcome to the land of Himalayas! On arrival in Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu; our Trek Guide will greet you then transfer you to to the hotel. Later in the afternoon, we meet again and brief your upcoming Annapurna Base Camp Trek with us and introduce our trekking team. In the evening there will be a welcome dinner in a traditional Nepali Restaurant where we will be able to enjoy authentic Nepali cuisine with a brief cultural program. Overnight in Kathmandu. 

Day 02
Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara by Tourist Bus 
Altitude: 820m/2,510ft 
Driving Distance (210kms) - 5 to 6 hours; BSY: Intro to mindfulness and meditation 
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

We'll have an early morning breakfast at the hotel, then drive to the tourist Bus Park for our drive to Pokhara with a deluxe tourist bus. The drive takes 5 to 6 hours that involves driving through local hills and natural landscapes areas along the Trishuli River, which is famous for white water rafting.  Half way, we will stop for lunch, which is included. Once we arrive, you'll will have a free afternoon for your personal exploration in wonderful Pokhara Valley, Fewa Lake, and Lakeside markets. Overnight in Pokhara. 

Day 03
Drive from Pokhara to Nayapul (Trekking starting point) & Trek to Tikhadhunga 
Altitude: 1,540m/5,052 ft Distance of driving: 1 hr. drive
Distance of walking: (10 km)- 3-4 hrs Hike; BSY: Yoga and group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

We'll have breakfast at Pokhara hotel, then prepare to drive to Nayapul, which continues along with the great scenery passing through several countryside villages. From Nayapul, we start our adventure into the Annapurna region. The trek now continues to the warm subtropical region and follows the Modi River to Birethanti where you can see the confluence of the two rivers, Modi and Bhurungdi Khola. Here at Birethanti, we will pass the National Park Checkpoint, and then continue gentle walking onward to Bhurungdi Khola where you'll see waterfalls, high green forest, and local villages until reaching to Tikhedhunga where we stay overnight in a mountain lodge. You will have a free evening for personal visits in local villages and riverside areas as per your interest. Overnight at Mountain Lodge.

Day 04
Trek from Tikhedhunga to Ghorepani 
Altitude: 2,800m/9,186ft
Distance of walking: (12-14 km) 5-6 hrs. BSY: Morning/afternoon Yoga and group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

This morning we prepare for the long uphill and start with steep ascends on the long stone steps to Ulleri village with views of the amazing landscape and Annapurna Himalayan scenery. The scenery gives you inner power to climb up these steps and encourage you to walk more! After few hours of the long hard climb with several breaks in between, we reach Ulleri village. From here the path is gradual on the winding trail through the cool shade of forest and streams. We continue walking in the midst of the giant rhododendron forest and finally reach Ghorepani for an overnight stop. Ghorepani Deurali is a busy spot offering fantastic views of Dhaulagiri and the Annapurna Himalayan range. Overnight at Ghorepani.

Day 05
Morning- Hike to Poon Hill for Sunrise View & Trek to Tadapani 
Altitude: At Poon hill, 3,210m/10,531ft & at Tadapani 2650m/8,694ft 
Distance of walking: (14-16 km) 6-7 hrs; BSY; Morning/Afternoon Yoga, group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Before sunrise, we start our hike up to Poon Hill, one of the panoramic views of Annapurna. Poon Hill named after the hill tribe Poon (Pun), which are inhabitants of the Ghorepani/Shikha village. You'll have a panoramic view from the far western Himalayas of Dolpo, Mt. Dhaulagiri, and Annapurna including Mt. Machhapuchre (Fish Tail) and all the way to the Manasalu Himalayan range. It is picturesque Himalayan scenery and a good place to spent memorable moments at the top. We return to Ghorepani for breakfast and continue trek to onward. The walk passes through the rhododendron, pine and fir forest with numerous ascents and descents until we reach Tadapani - which is our stop overnight. This is a great place to get the  closest view of Mt. Fish Tail (6993m), Annapurna South (7219m) & Hiunchuli (6441m). You will have impressive sunset views of Annapurna’s and Fishtail from here. Overnight stay at a Mountain Lodge. 

Day 06
Trek from Tadapani to Chhomrong 
Altitude: 1,950m/6,397 ft
Distance of walking: (12 kms)- 5-6 hrs; BSY: Morning/Afternoon Yoga, group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

With wonderful morning sunrise views of Fishtail & Annapurna South over breakfast in Tadapani, now we will now prepare to walk steeply downhill to the Kimrong Khola through the forest of oaks and rhododendrons with wonderful landscape views of the valley. We'll cross the river by suspension bridge, then the trail follows up to the Gurung village for your lunch stop. After lunch the trek leads uphill for half an hour. Once we reach the top of the ridge, the walk is fairly easy all the way to village of Chhomrong - the last village local settlement and the gateway to Annapurna Base Camp. Chhomrong is one of the two biggest villages of this region, which is an inhabitant of the Gurung Peoples. Overnight at a Mountain Lodge.

Day 07
Trek from Chhomrong Village to Dovan 
Altitude: 2,900m/9,514 ft Distance of walking: (12 kms)- 6-7 hrs; BSY: Morning/afternoon Yoga, group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

The walk from Chhomrong leads to a long terrace village and farm fields as you descend to the Chhomrong Khola. After we cross a suspension bridge, the trail is uphill most of the way for 2 hours until Sinuwa Hill, then it continues gentle walking through the forested valley to Bamboo which is in the midst of the bamboo, rhododendron and oak forest. Depending on how our group feels, we could have lunch at Sinuwa or in Bamboo. After lunch, an hour walk on the gradual uphill-forested path brings us Dovan, which is a small area with only a few guesthouses for overnight. As Dovan is near the Modi Riverside, and in the forested hill, it has a nice feel of nature. Overnight at a Mountain Lodge

Day 08
Trek from Dovan- Machhapuchre Base Camp (MBC)  
Altitude: 3700m/12,136ft
Distance of walking: 10-12 km- 4 to 5 hrs; BSY: Morning/afternoon Yoga; group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

The trail continues for about 2 hours and the route winds upward steeply to a rock bank and then levels out, running through thickets of bamboo at the bottom of the gorge. We stay on the west side of the river and reach a small shrine at Panchen Barah, from here the trail climbs to Himalaya Hotel. It’s about an hour walk, first on a rocky trail through forests then up to the Hinku cave, where the trail crosses a ravine and major avalanche track just further till Deurali (3,000m/9,840 ft). From here, the trail continues into the sanctuary, crossing two wide avalanche tracks on a narrow trail that hurdles up against the cliffs and the Bagar (riverside). We continue our climb across more avalanche paths to cross a moraine, then climb towards a small open valley that known as Machhapuchre Base Camp (MBC). Until now, we were walking in valley between two high hills, but now the valley opens up and great views of Fishtail and Annapurna can be seen very closely. The rest of the day is free time for a visit to viewpoint hill or simply rest at Lodge. Overnight at Mountain Lodge.

Day 09
Trek from MBC to Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) 
Altitude: 4130m 13582 ft 
Distance of walking: (6kms) 1-2 hrs walk; BSY: Morning/afternoon Yoga, group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Today is a short day trek to Annapurna Base Camp. With an easy morning and breakfast in MBC, we prepare to walk to Annapurna Base Camp. The trail follows an uphill dry and deserted part of the mountain to Annapurna Base Camp, which could be windy as well. Panorama Views of the Annapurnas are amazing en-route. You will have a full day here in Annapurna Base Camp. Enjoy your short walk in base camp areas, hill and glacier sites as per your interest. A sunset view from ABC is spectacular. Overnight at Mountain Lodge.

Day 10
Explore Annapurna Base Camp & Trek to Bamboo 
Altitude: 2,300m/7,544 ft
Distance of walking: (12-14 km) -5-6- hrs; BSY: Morning/afternoon Yoga, group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Today you'll have a great morning with a sunrise in Annapurna Base Camp. Views of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Fishtail, Tent Peak, Annapurna I, and other Annapurna peaks at sunrise are just incredible. Enjoy this wonderful morning at ABC. After breakfast, now we will prepare to walk back to Bamboo this afternoon. It will be gentle trek back through the same trail that we walked uphill. Overnight at Mountain Lodge. 

Day 11
Trek from Bamboo to Jhinu Danda
Altitude: 1,780m/5,859 ft
Distance of walking: (12-14 km)- 5-6 hrs; BSY: Morning/afternoon yoga, group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

We will trek back to Chhomrongat on the same trail. With a pleasant walk to Sinuwa, we trek downhill to Chhomrong Khola, and then a steep climb to Chhomrong Village for lunch. From Chhomrong, we will have a deep descending walk to Jhinu Danda. Jhunu Danda has beautiful landscapes and is an area with local settlements. We will have the opportunity to visit the natural hot spring in Jhinu for the natural hot water bath and relax at hot spring - which is along the riverside with great natural areas. Overnight at Mountain Lodge.

Day 12
Trek from Jhinu Danda to Kyumi & Drive to PokharaAltitude: 823m/2,700 ft
Distance of walking: (10-12 km)- 3 to 4 hrs; BSY: Morning/afternoon yoga; group discussion
Distance of driving: 2 hrs
Meal Plan: Breakfast

Today is the last day on the trail. You will have a free and easy morning in Jhinu Danda. After breakfast, we walk through the Modi River valley. Walking involves mostly through riverside, natural forested areas, farming lands and villages. On reaching Kyumi, we will take a drive to Nayapul, and then to Pokhara, which takes about 2 hours. You'll have the afternoon free in Pokhara for personal shopping or relaxing. Overnight in Pokhara.

Day 13
Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu
Distance of Driving: (210kms) 5-6 hrs Drive; BSY: Optional Yoga, group discussion
Meal Plan: Breakfast & Farewell Dinner

Today we drive back to Kathmandu by a tourist bus. After breakfast at the hotel in Pokhara, we'll be transferred to the Bus Park for the Kathmandu Bus. This bus drive will be a 5 to 6 hours slow drive through beautiful landscapes and riverside areas. Lunch will be served on the bus in the middle of the journey. Upon reaching  Kathmandu, we'll go to our hotel and relax. In the evening, we'll have a farewell dinner at one of the finest restaurants in town. Overnight in Kathmandu.

Day 14
Final Departure from Kathmandu 
Meals Plan: Breakfast

Morning breakfast and free time onward. If you staying longer in Kathmandu or interested in other activities, Advanced Adventures Nepal will assist you with any extra add-ons. If you're departing, we will transfer you to the airport and our trip ends.


The given cost are per person for the dates during the trek and exclude international flights and additional nights of lodging. If you want to arrive in Nepal before the trek start date, or depart after our final day, happy to help make lodging accommodations for you and add the cost to your final trek balance. 


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